
Princess Eugenie Was Annoyed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Shared Their Baby News at Her Wedding - News Lagoon

Everyone knows there’s a certain level of etiquette one should follow when attending someone’s nuptials, right? Like, girls who aren’t the bride shouldn’t wear white, and nobody should propose at someone else’s wedding without permission from the bride and groom! Announcing pregnancies must fall in that list of unspoken rules too, but Meghan Markle and Prince Harry didn’t seem to give a f*ck about that because that’s what they did at Princess Eugenie’s wedding in 2018.

According to Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, Eugenie was not thrilled by Meghan and Harry telling everyone that they were expecting a baby on her big day. “It did not go down particularly well with Eugenie, who, a source said, told friends she felt the couple should have waited to share the news,” they wrote in their tea-filled tell-all book, Finding Freedom.

Meghan and Harry publicly shared the news via the Kensington Royal Instagram account three days after Eugenie’s wedding on October, 15, 2018.

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IDK why Meghan and Harry chose a wedding of all places to announce the news, but it *might* have something to do with how close and Meghan and Harry were with Eugenie and her now-husband Jack. They went on several double dates, and Harry and Eugenie have always clicked.

“Eugenie had always been more than just a cousin to Harry,” Omid and Carolyn wrote. “They were also the closest of friends. Out of all the Queen’s grand-children, Harry and Eugenie have one of the most natural connections. Like Harry, Eugenie is loyal, honest, and great fun. The two had many nights out together in London.”

“Harry had always confided in his cousin when it came to the women in his life,” they added. “Not only did he trust her implicitly, but friends say that she gives great advice and has always been ‘beyond wise’ for her years.”

While it seemed like a questionable choice to announce Meghan’s pregnancy at Eugenie’s wedding, Meghan and Harry seem to be getting along just fine with her now regardless. Omid and Carolyn reported that Eugenie made “several visits” to see them and Archie Harrison at Frogmore Cottage after he was born. No drama to see here, folks!

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August 13, 2020 at 10:23PM

Princess Eugenie Was Annoyed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Shared Their Baby News at Her Wedding - News Lagoon
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